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Showing posts with the label external GPU

Thunderbolt's potential or future

Apple have been pushing this new thunderbolt port from intel, it combines PCIe and display port technology, thus we are seeing a ranger of connectors from apple to go from thunderbolt to HDMI, DVI etc. also we have seen the introduction of the new apple cinema display which as apple are have named the thunderbolt display since it connects through thunderbolt I/O technology with 10 Gbits/sec speed why only apple pushing this port? well there is usb 3.0 though not as fast it is more widely used as most laptops are coming with at least one usb 3.0 port and many peripheral 's are making the switch as well as the fact that its backward compatible, thunderbolt we should not count it out yet, thunderbolt or light peak as it was called has the ability to add extra hardware components such as graphics cards. the best example of this sort of implementation is with 2011 vaio z, it has a core i7 processor and is made to compete with the macbook air though is no where near the same price, but