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Showing posts from 2010

iPad review

The iPad is apples new tablet device, I can't help but call it a giant iPod touch since it's runs the same operating system software and is aesthetics are a dead give away. But this is defiantly a new device, with apps taking full advantage of all the new screen real-estate making this a totally new experience. Though some apps are just bigger versions of the original iPod/iPhone apps and the use of the pixel doubler showcased by Steve jobs is terrible, as iPod/iPhone apps are pixelated and in some cases writing is unreadable. The LCD IPS display just pops and photo's movies and everything else looks awesome. The lack of a key features such as a camera, HDMI output, USB port and a SD card slot reduces the functionality of the iPad greatly when compared with other net books, which is the market that the iPad is competing for, though there is a camera connection kit for about another $50 but it still is an extra. when comparing the iPad to other e-readers such as the amazon k

Apple shifts from OS 10 to iOS

The reason I bought a Mac was OS 10, in future if apple phases out the OS 10 and shifts its focus to iOS personally I would see no reason to buy a mac anymore, HP offers laptop and desktops which have comparable aesthetics better hardware with at lower price. The iOS should stay in the mobile/portable world while OS 10 should be placed in more powerful computers. But it looks like that apple will probably shift all their products into an iOS/restricted type of environment, we are seeing this today as we see apps like iMovie, Keynote, Pages & Numbers move to the iOS environment, apple are probably doing this since a lot people have iphones, ipods and ipads. they are used to the iOS environment so if it were to translate into desktop environment, more people would buy apple laptops and desktops. genius market strategy for apple and they would make a lot of money but I still don't like it.