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Showing posts from December, 2010

iPad review

The iPad is apples new tablet device, I can't help but call it a giant iPod touch since it's runs the same operating system software and is aesthetics are a dead give away. But this is defiantly a new device, with apps taking full advantage of all the new screen real-estate making this a totally new experience. Though some apps are just bigger versions of the original iPod/iPhone apps and the use of the pixel doubler showcased by Steve jobs is terrible, as iPod/iPhone apps are pixelated and in some cases writing is unreadable. The LCD IPS display just pops and photo's movies and everything else looks awesome. The lack of a key features such as a camera, HDMI output, USB port and a SD card slot reduces the functionality of the iPad greatly when compared with other net books, which is the market that the iPad is competing for, though there is a camera connection kit for about another $50 but it still is an extra. when comparing the iPad to other e-readers such as the amazon k